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Sep 11

Office Bookkeeping

While you do have an accountant and possibly even a bookkeeper as well, to help run your practice, there is still some very necessary office bookkeeping to be done by your front desk staff. Whether you have a larger office with a business or finance manager or your one staff member at the desk who […]

Aug 26

Software Training for the New Hire

We’ve all hired them…..the staff member who has it all…… personality, great clinical knowledge, a determined work ethic……and absolutely no computer skills. These employees seem so exceptional until we discover the difficulty of training them to use the software.  And while we tend to think that only older staff members have these issues, it’s not […]

Aug 22

Summer Fun – Dental Jokes

It’s summertime and the kids are home….here are some great dental “groaners” to spring on them! Q: What did one tooth say to the other tooth? A: Thar’s gold in them fills! Q: What did the judge say to the dentist? A: Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but […]

Aug 21

Timing is Everything

With everyone on a tighter and tighter schedule these days, we can’t afford to waste our time or our patients’ time. Patients expect to be seen either exactly on time or no more than 15 minutes late…..anything beyond that is unacceptable and a great way to lose patients for the practice. While we constantly strive […]