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3510 Castle Peak Avenue, Superior CO 80027 Contact Mosaic

Mar 1


It’s our pleasure to tell you about three excellent ortho practices that recently opened in Colorado and Alabama. Dr. David Verlinich (Erie Orthodontics, 615 Mitchell Way, Suite 106, Erie, CO 80516, 303-823-6290, opened his beautiful office in Erie, CO in December 2009. David is a Roth/Williams trained orthodontist and is providing excellent ortho care […]

Mar 1

Insurance Fee Schedules

We hear questions from our clients all the time regarding whether they can or cannot negotiate fees with insurance companies. The answer to that question is an absolute…..maybe. Factors such as the location of the practice, the amount of time since the last fee increase, the number of equivalent providers or specialists in network in […]

Mar 1

Is now the time to Grow Your Practice?

2010 profit and loss statements and/or production reports readily available.  Every owner should revise his/her business plan on In the past year, many small business owners across the country have worked to cut expenses, reduce spending, and may have even taken a pay cut.   A few brave dentists have embraced the opposite approach.  Some of […]