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Sep 1

Three Points of Insurance Filing

There’s no doubt that getting insurance payments into the office for patients can be a headache, but it can be made a great deal easier when we do a 3 step preparation.

Step 1 – Gather all the patient’s insurance information and check their benefits before they arrive for the initial appointment.  Getting all the necessary information at the first phone call requires only a few added questions….and while I’ve heard the argument that “patients don’t want to give out that information”, if the request is presented as a courtesy…..”so I can have all that information ready for you”…….. it’s very rarely refused.

Step 2 – When verifying a patient’s insurance, have a sheet with all needed information at the desk and get it completely filled in. You not only want to know how often x-rays can be taken, but you also want to know when the last ones were taken. Not only should we be asking for the % of co pay for fillings, but we should also find out if posterior composites are downgraded to amalgams and if occlusal guards for bruxism are a covered expense. When the patient is in the chair, and the doctor is presenting a treatment plan, is not the time to be checking insurance coverage…..that should already be completely done.

Step 3 – If your office is a preferred provider for insurance plans, get all the fee schedules into the computer. Most offices now have excellent computer software that can print out an accurate treatment plan, with fees and co-pays for the patient, so let’s use it. A patient who’s prepared for their co-pay is much more likely to pay the amount requested at the time of service with no discussion or argument.

If you get all 3 steps in place before the patient is seen, you’ve made getting the maximum insurance and patient payments, in a timely fashion, much easier for the doctor and the staff.


As dental practice management consultants, Mosaic Management Professionals, Inc. teachs you what the numbers mean for your success; shows you the opportunities that exist in your practice and helps you become someone who can attain the dream of personal and professional satisfaction. Let us help you handle the day to day and month to month details of your practice while we provide the training and support that will put all the pieces together into a beautifully aligned “Mosaic” that depicts your practice. Our initial consultation is always complementary and we maintain flexible hours to suit the needs of our clients.