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3510 Castle Peak Avenue, Superior CO 80027 Contact Mosaic

Mar 1

Never Fumble a Hand-Off

Just like in football, the hand off in your practice is critical. If it’s not done properly in football it will result in a fumble; if it’s not done properly in your practice, it will result in low treatment acceptance. Both can have a huge negative effect on your success. How many times have you […]

Oct 1

News – Dr. Erin Sain

Dr.Erin Sain has just opened her beatiful office: BackCountry Family Dental at 265 Tanglewood Lane, Unit W-1, Silverthorne, CO 80498,  970.368.6091

Oct 1

October Insurance Letter

As we head into the month of October, many things are uppermost in our minds; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, insurance benefits, flexible spending plans………Ok, maybe insurance benefits and flexible spending plans are not on the list, but they should be. This is the time when we should be sending a letter to all our patients who […]

Sep 1

Check Your Cables!

Nope, not your computer cables, but rather the cables that are holding up your office! Every year our bridge crews go out (hopefully) and check the cables holding up our bridges for signs of wear and disrepair… and we should be doing the same in our offices. We need to check all the office cables […]