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Mar 16


We’ve been on a campaign over the last couple of months to get all our docs posting a regular weekly blog…..and the title of this blog sums up what we most often hear in response. First, let’s talk about why you should keep up a blog, then we’ll talk about what we’re able to do to make that happen.

We’ve recently had very clear evidence that our docs who blog regularly are getting more patients….and for those accepting state assistance……more patients who are private pay and/or have a private insurance plan. This definitely seems to be telling us that blogging is attracting patients searching on line for a dentist in their area. Because we aren’t SEO experts, however, we asked our favorite SEO company the question….”Does blogging make a difference?” Here is their response.

In competitive markets, it is common for the key players to cover their bases in having a good foundation (optimized responsive website, claimed and optimized local citations, quality links, Google+ page optimized, and business profile pages distributed and optimized, strong reviews etc. to name a few). In cases where competitors are doing all the “right things” , the blog can be a differentiator weighing in favor of the blogger. In a case where all things being equal (say two dental clinics are going head to head all doing the same “right” things. If one clinic were blogging and the other not, you’d expect to see an advantage to the clinic who blogs vs the clinic who didn’t)
In markets that are less competitive, the blogging can actually help with regard to general SEO as search engines like to see sites be dynamic and regular blogging is a way to consistently add valuable and unique content to the site.
(Jason Ortiz

Based on Local Giant’s expertise and our observations, we do think all offices should be posting a regular blog. Because we feel so strongly about this, we’ve added Creating Customized Dental Blogs  to our menu of Mosaic services. We will create a unique blog for your practice once a week, once a month, or once a quarter, as you request, and will also do the posting if you and your IT company find that acceptable. If not, we’ll send you the blog and you can do the posting. We are setting very reasonable fees for this service and will also have special discounts for current and former clients. Call us at 303-660-0605 for more information on this exciting new service that can put you a step ahead of the competition.


As dental practice management consultants, Mosaic Management Professionals, Inc. teachs you what the numbers mean for your success; shows you the opportunities that exist in your practice and helps you become someone who can attain the dream of personal and professional satisfaction. Let us help you handle the day to day and month to month details of your practice while we provide the training and support that will put all the pieces together into a beautifully aligned “Mosaic” that depicts your practice. Our initial consultation is always complementary and we maintain flexible hours to suit the needs of our clients.

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