As a former hygienist one of my favorite codes is back and so useful. “D4346 Scaling in the presence of generalized moderate or severe gingival inflammation – full mouth, after oral evaluation”
This code is used exactly as the description describes. When there is no bone loss but it is more than just a cleaning of healthy tissue. You can then bring the patient back in 3-4 weeks for a regular prophy.
Remember this is a periodontal code and must be treated as such. The Deductible usually applies and the patient will have a percentage co-pay in most cases. We have seen one of the insurances treat this like a preventive code and pay 100%, but I advise to error on the side of deductible and co-pay.
Another Code D6081 “Scaling and debridement in the presence of inflammation or mucositis of a single implant- including cleaning of the implant surfaces, without flap entry and closure.” We seem to be seeing more of this with so many implants being placed. Just be aware it is there and use it when necessary.
D6085 “Provisional Implant Crown” Also new.
There are several other new codes, each practice will use some, make yourself familiar with the codes. If it is a new code my advice is to call the insurance company to see if they cover before you start using, insurance companies sometimes lag behind the new codes.
You can get a copy of the new codes from the ADA CDT Code book for 2017, or Delta Dental has them online just search the website.